You’re the peanut butter to our jelly. The macaroni to our cheese. The cookie to our milk. Here at Dakno, we value the partnerships we have with our clients. After all, without you, there is no us!
Sometimes scorned clients come to us after a bad breakup with their ex-marketing partner. We’re thrilled you chose us, but we don’t want to just be your rebound; we’re looking for a long-term relationship.
So what makes a successful marketing relationship? Just like any great relationship, we must share trust, respect, and most importantly, communication. Here are some tips to ensure you are getting the most out of your relationship with Dakno.
Start with Why
In addition to telling us what you want, tell us why you want it. What are you trying to accomplish? What is your goal? If you tell us your destination, we can help evaluate all possible routes to get there and help you execute the best one.
Keep Your Message Organized
Since the majority of our correspondence will be via email, it’s important for our emails to be easy to read. Using numbered or bulleted lists help to ensure that no information gets overlooked. It also helps to include all relevant information in one concise email rather than multiple messages. (Though if you think of any additional information that might be helpful for us, please send it along!)
Provide All Resources Upfront
We want to get your project completed for you as efficiently as possible so that we can save you time and money. That’s why we like to have all information, direction, and resources (like images, logos, copy, etc.) up front. That way, we don’t waste any time going back and forth.
Leave a Trail of Breadcrumbs
With any technology, small glitches come up from time to time, and when they do, we will do our best to resolve them for you as quickly as possible. However, it’s difficult for us to resolve the problem if we can’t recreate it ourselves. You can help us by retracing the steps you took that resulted in an error and leaving us a trail of breadcrumbs to follow, like specific links and screenshots.
Help Us Manage Your Expectations
“Managing expectations” really comes down to one thing: understanding. In order for us to provide superior service to you, we need to understand each other.
On your end, this means understanding our workflow and turnaround times, the services you’ve purchased, and the services we offer. On our end, this means understanding your goals and deadlines. Being clear with us about deadlines will help us work together to meet them.
Take Advantage of Our Resources
Our talented development team has spent years building, cultivating, and optimizing our DaknoAdmin system to provide you a great tool that, when used correctly, can contribute to your success. It may seem intimidating to learn a new system but we’re here to help. We have an extensive library of support articles, twice-monthly live training webinars, email and phone support, and more. If you take some time to learn the tools, it will pay off.
Partner with Us
We want our relationship with you to be a true partnership where we can rely on each other. You can trust our marketing expertise and utilize it. Come to us with any marketing questions and concerns: we want to be fully immersed in your strategy and would love to help.
And while you rely on us when it comes to marketing, we rely on your expertise about your area, local real estate market, and company. Clients who are engaged with and actively contribute to their marketing strategies see the most success.
Must Love Marketing
Would you like to partner with us? The feeling is mutual! Give us a call at 919-877-8511 to discuss getting on a marketing retainer.