Here at Dakno Marketing, we are constantly seeking to bring greater value to our clients. Part of this effort includes enhancing AgentBackdoor which in turn adds value to the front side of your website. The staff module has received some recent enhancements which also makes the design more pleasing.
These enhancements include:
1) The staff list has been re-organized and restyled. The spacing has been adjusted so your information takes full advantage of the space that is available on your website.
2) The individual staff pages have also been re-organized and re-styled. We’ve increased the size of the photo on this page from 130 pixels wide to 250 pixels wide. We’ve also adjusted the spacing and styling on this page to remove the white space between sections and on the left side of the page. The fonts for both the staff list page and the individual staff pages should also be tied to the font size of your website rather than being 1-2 pixels smaller.
3) We’ve added a few new fields to the staff module:
- Office Phone has been added.
- Phone has been renamed to Direct Phone.
- Title Tag has been added.
- Meta Description has been added.
- Short Description/Excerpt has been added. This is for the new shortcode explained further down the page. This will not appear on your individual staff pages. Use the “Full Description” field for information appearing staff pages.
4) Social Media options have been added. There is a list of common social media websites that will automatically populate icons once you add a link. Be sure to hit save once you’ve added your social media links.
5) You can now also set a Primary user. The primary user is generally the owner of the site.
6) We have also created a new shortcode for the staff module. This allows you to put some of the information about a staff member on a page without needing to keep the information updated in several places. The new Short Description is used with this item. This shortcode has a very simple css associated with it, and will likely need to be styled to fit your website as needed.
We would love your feedback on these enhancements. Please leave a comment and share your thoughts.