REALTORS®, Read This Before Using Facebook Live!

Live Streaming Isn’t a New Thing!

Brad and I have been live streaming since way back when (2008). Many of you may have actually viewed some of our live broadcast from the Dakno AllAccess channel or maybe from one of the REBarcamps we attended and streamed “back in the day”. The “Dakno Boys” have always had a love affair with live streaming video.


Brad and Bobby Live Video Streaming

With a wealth of experience, here are some tips about how you will be able to take advantage of Facebook Live to grow your brand and increase your visibility.

Let’s Start with The Why

According to Facebook, the average Facebook user watches a live video more than 3X longer when it is live versus pre-recorded video. If you want your Facebook friends/followers to comment they are are apt to comment over 10 times more frequently during a Facebook Live video than any other videos.

Start Strong!

Think promotion. Let your viewers know ahead of time the what, the when and the where about your Facebook Live stream.

On a practical level, make sure when you do go live you have a strong WiFi or 4G connection.

Other quick tips include:

  1. Turn on your ‘airplane mode” when using wifi so you aren’t interrupted by phone calls during the Live stream.
  2. If you move the camera during your stream, do it ever so slowly.

Be Attractive

I’m not saying “you” need to be physically attractive. It’s all about reeling in viewers by writing a “catchy” title with description of your Facebook Live video status update.


Stream Facebook Live Like a Pro

  1. Be sure to avoid backlighting situations where the main subject is difficult to see.
  2. Be aware of background noise and strive for proper lighting. Scan the scene to make sure there’s nothing visible that might inadvertently compromise privacy or confidentiality. Use a lav mic especially when you are more than a couple of feet from your phone. Many mics allow you to connect two mics which is great for conducting interviews.
  3. If you stream for more than a few minutes your arm will grow weary. Mount your phone to steady the broadcast.facebook-live-video
  4. Engage with your audience by asking questions and responding to commenters (and using their names).
  5. Broadcast for at least 10 minutes. The max live video feed time limit is 240 minutes.
  6. Signal viewers that you are wrapping up the broadcast by using a closing line.

What Should Real Estate Pros Facebook Live Video Stream?

Here are just a few content ideas for Facebook Live:

  1. Focus on “hot topics”.
  2. Host Q&A live feeds.
  3. Report breaking news
  4. Conduct interviews with other team members, your clients (think testimonials), lender partners, school principals, teachers, business owners, chamber president, mayor, builders, home inspectors and any other expert within the real estate community.
  5. Do “Day in the Life” live broadcasts about what agents encounter day to day.
  6. Stream behind the scenes at open houses.
  7. Demo your website.
  8. Demo new smart home tech.
  9. Reveal a new home model for your builder partner.
  10. Stream Broker Opens.
  11. Stream Neighborhood Tours.
  12. Stream Listing Tours.

Avoid the Ego Monster

Agents should be sure their live content shouldn’t be entirely self-centered. Don’t just talk about yourself and your business. Your content should connect with your audience. It’s okay as the speaker to mention your point of view, but it can’t be just you, you, you.

When Should I Stream?

For weekday work hours, 1 to 3 PM in your time zone seems to hook the most viewers. The 6 to 9 PM time-frame is a sweet spot for people who are eating and decompressing from a busy work day.

You should probably avoid streaming during major holidays, big events (like the Olympics or the Super Bowl) or anything scheduled on other mediums (TV).

It’s a Wrap!

When you end your broadcast include a call to action… Visit my website at… Email me at… Call me at…

Now It’s Your Turn – Leave a Comment

Do you use Facebook Live? Is Facebook Live a fad? Will it remain free? Let us know in the comments.

Until my next post,


One thought on “REALTORS®, Read This Before Using Facebook Live!

  1. Michae Check says:

    Interested to kow your thoughts regarding Facebook Live Streaming.

    What do you feel an optimum time would be for a Saturday or Sunday Live session ?

    What about the idea of doing a Live Open House. Promote ahead of time on the page.
    I’d like to start a new Page calling it (” area ” Live Real Estate TV, or Real Estate Live or just Real Estate TV.

    And also promote the date and time in advance in the off-line Real Estate Source magazine.
    I don’t think I’ve seen anyone in the area advertise a “Live Facebook Open House” in an off-line

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