It’s been very interesting following the drama with Trulia. In case you missed it, here is a quick recap. The other day, I noticed Trulia had fallen out of the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Eric Bramlett did some research and noticed that a blog setup on a subdomain of was hacked. He put […]
Category Archives: Search Engine Marketing
Did Google Slap Trulia’s Hand? Trulia Search Rankings Drop!
While on a client call yesterday, I was conducting a review of their search positions and their competitive landscape. When I pulled up their search results I noticed a major player that was notably missing – Trulia. I looked back at my ranking logs and verified that Trulia had consistently ranked at the top for […]
Contrary to Reports – The Google Sky Isn’t Falling!
Ever since the “Page Rank is Dead” post hit Broker/Agent Social, we have received several emails and phone calls from worried Dakno Real Estate Marketing clients wondering if “the Google Sky was falling”. Before anyone panics, here are a few quick thoughts. Yes, the article in general is accurate (headline is borderline sensationalistic). Please don’t […]
Baby Step Your Way to Better Search Engine Optimization
If you have read any of my previous Active Rain post, you are ready know I’m a bit of a movie buff. One of the Carroll family all-time cult favorites is the movie “What About Bob” starring Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss. In the comedy, Murray plays Bob Wiley, a multi-phobic psychiatric patient who becomes […]
Greatest Real Estate Agent In The World
As some of you may know, Real Estate Webmasters is hosting a Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World contest. It’s a contest to see what agent can dominate the search engines for that keyword. I was aware of the contest but hadn’t really been following it that much until about a week ago. I […]
Podcast #2 – The Basics of Real Estate Search Engine Optimization (Part #1 Content)
Because of the overwhelming positive feedback from our listeners from the initial Dakno podcast, Brad and I have forged ahead and recorded broadcast #2. We selected a topic that always generates many questions and garners much discussion. This weeks podcast topic is on the basics of real estate search engine optimization. Brad and I drill […]
It’s Time to Rewrite Your Title Tags
The other day someone asked me. “If you could only make one edit to a website to achieve better search engine optimization, what would it be?” After clarifying that the edit had to be on the site (meaning link building wasn’t an option) I responded by saying that tweaking the Title Tag would probably be […]
Should Your Blog Have Its Own Domain?
I am frequently asked a common question about blogs. It’s goes a little something like this – “I want to create a real estate blog, should I place the blog at or should my blog have its own domain like” Unfortunately there is not a right or wrong answer. It all depends on […]
A Better Way To Boost Your Real Estate Website Rankings
Many real estate agents know that one way to increase their rankings for their real estate website is to gain additional links that point back to their website. With this in mind, many SEO and Real Estate Web Design Companies are quick to add link building to their list of design and development services. But […]
A Keyword of Caution
Many of my clients have been approached by a company that is trying to sell them placement for specific keywords in Yahoo and Google. Their typical sales speak is that they have only a few spots left for this keyword. They’ll then go on to tell you that for only X dollars, you can be […]