Facebook Wants You to be Tagged – Maybe in the Wrong Places!!

Here is a juicy little tidbit you may not know. Unless you have edited your Facebook custom privacy settings someone can tag you at a “Place” without your permission. Think of thefacebook Places reputation nightmares that could create!! Say someone plays a bad practical joke and checks you in at a less than desirable location only to have it appear on your Facebook wall for all of your “friends” to see.  Not cool!

Change Your Facebook Custom Privacy Settings To Avoid Getting Tagged!

The slide presentation below will take you step by step so you can change the current default functionality to prevent other Facebook “friends” from tagging you without your permission.
Slide 1. Customizing Your Facebook Privacy Settings – Preventing False Places Tagging
Slide 2. Facebook Privacy Settings Must Be Changed to Avoid False Check Ins
Slide 3. Access Your Facebook Profile Privacy Settings
Slide 4. Click Customize Settings
Slide 5. The Default Facebook Places Privacy Setting is “Enabled”
Slide 6. Tagging Friends at Places with the iPhone App
Slide 7. Tagging Friends at Places in the iPhone App
Slide 8. iPhone App Reflects Brad has been Tagged
Slide 9. Brad’s Disabled Places Tagging Prevents Inclusion in Updates

Do you Check in with Facebook Places?

Let the rest of us know if you do use Facebook Places and what you think about this new Facebook functionality.

Helping keep your reputation safe online!


3 thoughts on “Facebook Wants You to be Tagged – Maybe in the Wrong Places!!

  1. Thanks for posting this! I’ve already shared it with a couple of people. I’m sure there are plenty of people who wouldn’t think about the reputation management side of it until it happened to them. Hope to see you soon!


  2. Stacie hit it the nail on the head. Reputation management is becoming an increasingly critical part of online marketing. Question, is the privacy setting by default allowing other people to ‘tag’ you? Thanks for the post, Bobby.

  3. I am not sure about the places capability of Facebook. I see the value in Geo-Location, but a lot of people are going to be getting in trouble with this.

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