Free Webinar This Tuesday, Feburary 24th at 7pm EST

A few weeks ago, Bobby and I were invited to host a special “Guest Expert” webinar to be held on Tuesday, Feburary 24th for Michael Russer’s Online Dominance program. Today, while speaking with Michael, we decided to open this up to all agents, not just those in Online Dominance.

I know it’s last minute, but if you are available, we would love to have you be a part of this free webinar / videocast on Tuesday, February 24th at 7pm EST. We will be discussing how to use Social Media Marketing to find buyers and sellers who are ready to take action now!

There is no need to pre-register. Just go to on Tuesday at 7pm EST to view the videocast.

2 thoughts on “Free Webinar This Tuesday, Feburary 24th at 7pm EST

  1. Is the Feb 24th date this year? If so, is there anything that is happening sooner?

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