Learning How to Use Twitter in Your Business!
What is Twitter?
Often described as public Instant Messenger on steroids, Twitter is micro-blogging in 140 characters. Common “Tweets” include pithy comments, mundane babbling to high-value information and content distribution. The point of Twitter is to be personal and build relationships! Remember, that’s what social media is all about and Twitter is most certainly that – social. If you haven’t heard of Twitter, you been spending too much time under that rock of yours. It’s one of the fastest growing social communities (period!).
Why Use Twitter?
- Be in the Know – Twitter helps you stay abreast of the rapidly changing world of technology and the news. If you recall the “landing on
the Hudson” by the USAir flight, that event was initially covered by citizen reporter armed with his iPhone and a Twitpic picture uploader. With Twitter you can receive instant tips, monitor events, and keep up with breaking news. Of course, this is provided you follow the right Tweeple (People on Twitter)
- Be a Community Helper/Trusted Advisor – It positions you, the real estate expert, as the hyper-local trusted advisor
- Be Social – It’s another social water cooler to connect with people. The best way to connect with Tweeple IRL (in real life) is attend local Tweet-ups.
- Content Distribution Channel – It can serve a content distribution channel for your blog post. As illustrated in the above Hudson River landing, Twitter also allows you to be citizen reporter in the street. How you use Twitter in content distribution is so important (use it wisely!)
- Get Noticed – Twitter is an engine for viral marketing, if you’re fortunate enough to see something become viral.
- Listening Device – Reputation management. Twitter is the perfect reputation management tool especially when combined with several other Twitter tools.
- Brand Builder – It can help build brand awareness (Twitter skins and Tweets that help enhance brand identity)
- Show You Care – Support and be identified with charitable organizations via Twitter (Example: Twestival)
Tools for Twitter – Desktop Applications for Twitter
Manually refresh or use….
- Twirl: http://www.twhirl.org/
- TweetDeck: http://www.tweetdeck.com/beta/
- Tweetgrid: http://tweetgrid.com/
Feed Pictures to Twitter
- Twitpics: http://www.twitpic.com/
- Tag images for Twitter: http://www.flickr.twittergram.com/
Find Local Tweeple
- Find local Tweeple: http://www.twitterlocal.net/
- Place Tweeple in groups: http://www.tweepler.com/
- Find Tweeple with Twubble: http://crazybob.org/twubble/
Twitter as an Search Tool
People on Twitter search in the same way people perform searches on Google. The best tool for this is www.search.twitter.com. You can and should monitor what Tweeple say about you with these tools:
- Google Alerts for Twitter: www.tweetbeep.com/
- Google Alerts for Twitter: www.twilert.com/
- Google Alerts for Twitter: http://tweetscan.com/alerts.php
- Twitter search engine: www.twitterverse.com/
- Top breaking news stories: http://tweetnews.appspot.com/fresh?q=yahoo
Using Twitter to Connect and Grow Your Sphere of Influence
Part of being recognized as a trusted advisor is to be that wealth of knowledge and information provider in your area. Using popular keywords Tweeted, you can then work to fulfill those needs, both on Twitter and on your own websites and blog. Look at the questions people in your local target market are asking on Twitter via defined searches for the following questions:.
- “Do you know anyone in (area name)“
- “Looking for“
Top Recommended Twitter Resources That Are a Must Read!
- 10 minute video on being a Twitter power user by InSocialMedia Blog: http://www.insocialmedia.com/
- Twitpwr: http://twitpwr.com/6Rz/
- Twitter for Real Estate Twits by @nik-nik
- 100 Twitter tools: http://www.onlinebestcolleges.com/blog/2009/100-twitter-tools-to-help-you-achieve-all-your-goals/
Tweetmonials – Dish up Your Favorite Sweet Twits
The ultimate widget to share your “favorite: Tweets for your real estate website or blog
1. Display your “Favorite” Sweet Testimonial Tweets on your website or blog
2. Example: www.dakno.com/blog
Follow @dakno and @rewebcoach
Be sure to follow us (Brad Carroll @dakno and Bobby Carroll @rewebcoach) on Twitter!
Your Feedback?
What other tools would you suggest?
Be sure to watch our FREE archived Real Estate Marketing webcast on Twitter at dakno.tv!
See you around Twitterville,
Bobby Carroll
Post Update: 3/25/09
We have heard from some of our newer Twitter friends and they are asking what’s the deal with that # symbol? It’s called a “hash tag” and it’s a great tool to “track” a collective stream of thought concerning a particular event (ex. REtech South Conference=#RETS) or a particular subject (ex. Suggest a Twitter friend to follow to someone or everyone=#FollowFriday)
An easy way to keep up with a particular event or running Twitter topic is to set up a search on TweetDeck for the hashtage of your choice so you can stay in the know about a specific event or topic.
If you have other questions about Twitter, please feel free to leave a comment below.
Hey Bobby
I was just at a social media/e-mail marketing Chamber of Commerce event here in Miami. Even the Chamber of Commerce is “on” twitter.
Sorry I missed you @#rets.
Hi Kev, Twitter is like a giant snowball that has just rolled off the top of Mt. Everest and it’s gaining mass and strength at an incredibly fast pace. As a social community, where it will go and what it will do I’m not sure anyone can guess.
What a FABULOUS resource post for Twitter this is!! You guys certainly are a wealth of info and it’s much appreciated how much you share it all.
Looking forward to seeing you again at REBCBos! 😉
Hi Ann – The kind of positive feed you offered is so encouraging and keeps us providing even more helpful tools and resources to Dakno friends just like you!
We are excited about the prospect of coming to REBar Camp Boston too and eager to get back to together with all our friends in that area.
June will be here before you know it!
Love this post and use it as a resource quite a bit.
I know you are fans of TweetDeck. However, I was just reading about Seesmic Desktop as an alternative to TweetDeck and wanted to see what your thoughts were on the debate. Thanks!
Hey Brad/Bobby,
Great resource on Twitter. We just put together a brand new service called TweetLister (http://TweetLister.com) that allows real estate brokers and owners to take full advantage of the vast, wide-reaching social network on Twitter. With TweetLister, you can easily create, post, manage and schedule all of your Twitter listings. You can track clicks on your listings, and collect leads – all in one spot. It’s easy. It’s friendly. It’s a killer tool for Realtors.
We’d love to hear your feedback!
Hi Mark – In response to your comment, I understand agents will Tweet about their lives, and their work on Twitter. That’s natural. To automate the Tweeting of their listings to Twitter somehow goes against my grain. I just wonder how Tweople would feel if there was an automated tool to Tweet used cars or boats or other personal property. How would the community feel about that? We recommend a more creative approach to “get the word out” about a listing. The ultimate would be to carry on an open conversation between the seller and the agent about the listing. Tweeting innocuous communications while avoiding any mention of material fact about a subject property is more palatable to me.