Bloggers Connect Births a New Dakno Idea

While attending Bloggers Connect at the Inman Conference in NYC earlier this month the thought came to mind to share the presentations by Jay Thompson and Dustin Luther with the rest of Armed with my built-in webcam and Bobby’s new webcam he received for Christmas, I decided to offer a 2-camera configuration for the live streaming video web broadcast. Getting the word out about our live streaming webcast was easy. Because we had been sending out REBar Camp and Bloggers Connect Tweets” with the hashtags #rebcny and #icny, I figured viewers would come. Within minutes we had about 50 subscribers watching the Bloggers Connect streaming video over Mogulus.

Skills From the Past Come Full Circle

What many of you may not know is that along with my love for real estate web design, I also formerly owned and ran a small TV production company. I had even built my own studio to produce our broadcast. Once I determined that specializing in real estate marketing was my first love I decided to sell (most of) my studio equipment keeping two cameras, a light kit and a few other accessories. Little did I know I would put these tools to work again at Dakno because of the idea to live stream the Bloggers Connect meeting.

The Decision to Add a New Resource

Once we returned from Inman, with memories of streaming the live video still fresh in our minds, Bobby and I had what seemed to be a simultaneous epiphany. Why not live video stream our Blogging BootCamps and other ideas for webinars to our clients and friends from Our second idea harmonic convergence occurred at the McAlister’s restaurant when I asked Bobby how he thought we should display our talking points during the webcast. With my own idea in mind, I was excited to hear him say, “we need a big LCD to display our content.” Bingo, my thought exactly. There’s something to be said about our shared DNA. The relationship “mojo” was certainly working for us for our new adventure.

Could We Go Bigger?

With all the tools in hand to live stream our broadcast, we set about with building a new “set” for our future webcast. The only question we needed to answer was how elaborate a set would we build. Do we go the cable TV access route with a black curtain, two chairs and a plant or go with something on a slightly grander scale? Stay tuned for my next post to see just how far we pushed the bush, two chairs and a curtain set we built.


5 thoughts on “Bloggers Connect Births a New Dakno Idea

  1. Brad, Bobbie just referred me to your post. What a great idea! My new site will be heavy on multimedia so it’s exciting to see you guys being equally innovative. I look forward to checking it out! Best, Derec

  2. Great idea Brad. I enjoyed interacting via chat with those that were watching your live stream in the presentation that followed mine. It’s a great way to reach out to people.

    Any plans to record the stream for posterity?

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