It never ceases to amaze me how ineffective and lackluster our follow up emails can be. This is a common malady in every industry what with our casual use of email communication. It’s gotten to the point that many of us consider emailing like text messaging and instant messages. Too often emails go out filled […]
Baby Step Your Way to Better Search Engine Optimization
If you have read any of my previous Active Rain post, you are ready know I’m a bit of a movie buff. One of the Carroll family all-time cult favorites is the movie “What About Bob” starring Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss. In the comedy, Murray plays Bob Wiley, a multi-phobic psychiatric patient who becomes […]
Real Estate Marketing 101 – Brand Consistency!
This post is actually the result of an email response I wrote today to Dakno Blogging Bootcamp student, Dena Calivas, Eco-friendly Realtor in Jacksonville, Florida. Occasionally it happens that way. I’ll be writing an email (yes-they are this long. Have pity on the recipient!) and when I have finished writing my (War & Peace) email, […]
Be the First Real Estate Agent to Map Your City
Recently I’ve been sharing recently with our Dakno clients and my friends over at Active Rain about the need to expand their Internet presence by exploring the awesome applications available on the iPhone. Yes, you to can begin to broaden your web presence by using the tools that power the iPhone apps. Map It Anyway! […]
Loading Email Stationery In Outlook 2007
As many of you may know. Outlook 2007 shows email stationery much different than in ealier versions. This is because with 2007, Outlook uses Word to render emails. While this does make it easier to format day to day emails, it can be cause Email Stationery to not display properly. Another “feature” with Outlook 2007 […]
Dakno Real Estate Web Marketing Announces Revolutionary Features and Enhancements
Helping Dakno Real Estate Clients Stay Ahead of Your Competitors To help you stay one step ahead of your competition, it’s important your Dakno real estate website provide your site visitors more information-rich resources and advanced neighborhood and condo property tools. In fact, today’s web-savvy real estate consumer expects more from their online experience. Delivering […]
How to Avoid Hitting the Wall!
At some point during your blogging adventure you may have a “hit the wall†moment when you stop blogging because: You get totally overwhelmed with your business – remember, you’re an agent first and a blogger second. It happens – just don’t beat yourself up about it. Get back in the blogging saddle when the […]
Does Target Marketing Work?
It seems a day doesn’t go by that a real estate agent doesn’t ask me, “does target marketing really work“? Then they follow that question with a statement of fear by saying, how can I succeed unless my website targets, first-time buyers, luxury buyers, condo buyers, relo buyers, lakefront property buyers and the list goes […]
Do You Like Movies?
How about sports movies? One of my personal favorites among many is “Field of Dreams.” The cast is most impressive. Kevin Costner, Ray Liotta, James Earl Jones, Burt Lancaster, even Amy Madigan does a stellar job playing Ray Kinsella’s wife – Annie. Now that is a show stopping cast for sure! Are You Hearing Voices? […]
Stop Sending People to Your Competition – Erasing Traces of Your Former Real Estate Firm
I have seen many real estate agents in this scenario. They leave one real estate company and join another firm or start their own company. When this happens, real estate agents go through the typical song and dance. They update marketing materials, Web site information, etc. Even if a real estate agent hits all the […]