In my last post you learned the back story to the genesis of our set and why we went about building it to stream live videos. Using photo’s taken during the construction process, you will see step by step how our new set came to life! It really was a labor of love. Keep it […]
Bloggers Connect Births a New Dakno Idea
While attending Bloggers Connect at the Inman Conference in NYC earlier this month the thought came to mind to share the presentations by Jay Thompson and Dustin Luther with the rest of Armed with my built-in webcam and Bobby’s new webcam he received for Christmas, I decided to offer a 2-camera configuration for the […]
How Twitter Can Help You Lose Clients and Frustrate Your Friends
It seems Twitter is all the buzz right now. My relationship with Twitter, like many, has been an interesting journey. At first, I was like so many other Twitter doubters. I even quoted the famous line of “I don’t get Twitter. Does anyone really care that I am eating breakfast or brushing my teeth?” I […]
Contrary to Reports – The Google Sky Isn’t Falling!
Ever since the “Page Rank is Dead” post hit Broker/Agent Social, we have received several emails and phone calls from worried Dakno Real Estate Marketing clients wondering if “the Google Sky was falling”. Before anyone panics, here are a few quick thoughts. Yes, the article in general is accurate (headline is borderline sensationalistic). Please don’t […]
Would Your Real Estate Website Pass the Cary Planning Commission?
Here in the Triangle area of North Carolina, one desirable town is growing like gangbusters. It’s called Cary. Many old time Raleigh residents poke fun at Cary. Not long ago it was a sleepy little town just southeast of the Research Triangle Park. If you are a local, you’ve heard it on more than one […]
More Post Launch Website Tips
A Word About Missing Keywords Often our clients will create new pages, and write a bit of copy with their easy to use Agent Backdoor site editor. Maybe the article is about “New Construction”. When you write the tile “New Construction” always place a geographic reference in the tile for search engines and site visitors. […]
Post Launch Website Tips!
Occasionally, I like to take a glance at our Dakno client’s new real estate websites just to see how they are coming along. It’s exciting to see our clients creating unlimited web pages with their Agent Backdoor site editor, uploading neighborhood pages and adding high-value content to their sites. I have decided to offer a […]
Dakno Needs Your Help – Every Vote Earns Toys For Tots $1.00!
I Wanna to Talk About Me!
It seems the favorite theme song for most real estate professionals is the one performed by Country & Western star Toby Keith titled “I Wanna Talk About Me“. The lone exception most agents would take to this song is the reference Toby makes that says “occasionally I want to talk about me“. Want proof? Take […]
When Your Real Estate Blog Gains National Exposure
It’s something every real estate blogger dreams of, getting national exposure from the media. If it should happen to you have you considered what you would do with all that new found attention? And should you be even more fortunate to get some “link love” from the media, now that now that would be the […]